While there may be other specific testing needed for your individual nutritional profile, the tests listed below provide a foundational snapshot for your comprehensive care plan. If there are any “red flags” (or abnormal results), it is important to resolve these first to begin the process of restoring your body and reducing symptoms.
CBC – Complete Blood Count with Differential
One of the most common tests done in the conventional medical world. A complete blood count test measures several components and features of your blood, including:
- Red blood cells, which carry oxygen
- White blood cells, which fight infection
- Hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells
- Hematocrit, the proportion of red blood cells to the fluid component, or plasma, in your blood
- Platelets, which help with blood clotting
with Differential gives a bigger picture regarding: infections, inflammation, bone marrow disorder, or autoimmune disease
neutrophil | helps stop microorganisms in infections by eating them and destroying them with enzymes |
lymphocyte | –uses antibodies to stop bacteria or viruses from entering the body (B-cell lymphocyte) –kills off the body’s cells if they’ve been compromised by a virus or cancer cells (T-cell lymphocyte) |
monocyte | becomes a macrophage in the body’s tissues, eating microorganisms and getting rid of dead cells while increasing immune system strength |
eosinophil | helps control inflammation, especially active during parasite infections and allergic reactions, stops substances or other foreign materials from harming the body |
basophil | produces enzymes during asthma attacks and allergic reactions |
Mayo Clinic 2021, Healthline 2021
CMP – Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
Comprised of 14 tests, the CMP measures the body’s metabolism, in particular liver and kidney functioning, fluid balance, and electrolytes.
Complete Lipid Panel
Includes your Total Cholesteral, LDL, HDL and TG’s.
Ferritin is a blood protein that contains iron. A ferritin test measures how much iron your body stores. If you are able, it’s ideal to get a Complete Iron Panel: Iron saturation, Ferritin, Transferrin and TIBC.
Complete Thyroid Panel
This test includes more then the common single TSH thyroid test: TSH AND Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, TPO antibodies and TgAB antibodies.
Vitamin D – 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D
Roles of this vitamin include immune function, bone building and cancer prevention. Strong evidence shows Vitamin D deficiency is the cause and/or contributor to autoimmune disease.
Vitamin B12
Unfortunately, this vitamin has been overlooked in the medical community with more concentration on Folate (Vitamin B9). Many symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency which are quite common are not being associated with Vitamin B12 deficiency. When not caught early enough the changes are irreversible. The conventional way of measuring Vitamin B12 will show both the active and inactive form in your blood which can possibly mask a deficiency. Additional tests for Vitamin B12 include: The MMA or Methylmalonic Acid test will give a better picture of Vitamin B12 active status and the IFBA or Intrinsic Factor Blocking Antibody test will measure how much intrinsic factor the parietal cells (a type of epithelial cell) of your stomach are producing. IF is required for your body to absorb Vitamin B12.
In cellular metabolism, homocysteine is an amino acid produced in the methylation process of the protein methionine. If this process is broken, high levels of homocysteine can act like a toxin in the cells of the body. Increased levels of homocysteine cause inflammation in the arterial walls and damage cells in other areas of the body.
C-Reactive Protein and Sedimentation Rate
Inflammation markers. A sedimentation rate measure how quickly red blood cells fall to the bottom of a test tube in 1 hour. Certain proteins (produced by the liver) cause red blood cells to stick together and fall more quickly. Infection, autoimmune disease or cancer can cause a higher sed rate.
MTHFR – Methylene tetra hydro folate Reductase
MTHFR enzyme is an enzyme that breaks down Vitamin B9 (folate) into active Methly-folate which is essential for methylation. The methylation process then converts the amino acid homocysteine into methionine. And the process continues….. importantly producing Glutathione (the most potent detoxifier in the body). MTHFR gene is prone to mutation or more technically having gene variants. People have two MTHFR genes, one from each parent. Lets put it this way – if the MTHFR gene codes for a defective MTHFR enzyme, your health is at risk. Research is emerging in this area.
Comprehensive Stool Test
Great picture of overall GI (gastrointestinal) health and while also giving a snapshot of gut microflora and possible parasites and inflammation.
Food Sensitivity Test
Gold standard for Intestinal Permeability also known as leaky gut.
We have all heard of the immediate reaction to foods called food allergies through the IgE antibodies which show symptoms such as hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, or anaphylactic shock, etc. But when our body starts to produce the “silent” inflammatory antibodies such as IgG and IgA from foods we eat, symptoms can show up hours or days later such as:
headaches, eczema, fatigue, weight gain, depression, joint pain, hair loss, GI symptoms, brain fog, and so much more
This test shows food sensitivity antibody levels in foods that trigger inflammation. Information on this test helps take away the years guessing what the root cause of uncontrolled symptoms are. As certain foods cause inflammation to our intestinal cells, the lining of the GI tract weakens which results in intestinal permeability. This leads to a heightened and unregulated immune response by the body.